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25 April 2018 Unpublished

Petra Marko Selected to Join National Infrastructure Commission Young Professionals Panel

Petra Marko has been selected to join the National Infrastructure Commission’s (NIC) Young Professionals Panel. The Panel was set up to find the brightest and the best of the UK's professionals to help inform its work. This new initiative from the Commission, the independent body tasked with advising government on the UK’s long-term infrastructure, aims to ensure a strong voice for the next generation of infrastructure leaders for the country. Over 500 entries were received from across a wide range of professions and locations and shortlisted candidates were interviewed last month with 16 being appointed onto the Panel. The Panel will support the Commission across a wide range of infrastructure programmes as well as developing their own ideas to enhance long-term infrastructure for the UK.

22 April 2018 Unpublished

Palacky Boulevard Revitalisation Study Completed

The vision for the transformation of Palacky Boulevard was presented to the public by the working group of experts on Tuesday 17th April in Pardubice, Czech Republic. Igor Marko has been the lead expert advisor for the study aiming to revitalise this important artery of Pardubice. Palackeho Boulevard currently serves as a transit link from the railway station to the city center, and has the ambition to become an attractive place for leisure and business.

21 April 2018 Unpublished

Plan Bratislava Book Published

Plan B is a vision for the transformation of Bratislava city developed by an association of over 70 professionals who joined in working groups for a better city. Igor Marko is the leader of the Urban Development group which wrote the chapter on sensible growth of the city. The book was launched and presented to the public at Nova Cvernovka creative hub in Bratislava last week.

10 March 2018 Unpublished

Petra Marko Shortlisted for NIC Young Professionals Panel

Petra Marko is shortlisted for the National Infrastructure Commission’s Young Professionals Panel (NIC YPP). The Panel was launched to find the brightest and the best of the UK’s professionals to help inform its work. Over 500 entries were received from across a wide range of professions and 30 people have been shortlisted for interviews. The NIC is the independent body tasked with identifying the UK’s long-term infrastructure needs and recommending to government strategies to address them.

9 February 2018 Unpublished

The London School of Architecture Show + Tell Social

Petra Marko and Annalie Riches (Mikhail Riches) of the VeloCity team will present their winning idea for the National Infrastructure Commission competition at the LSA Show + Tell Social on Monday 26th February. VeloCity team also includes Jennifer Ross (Tibbalds), Sarah Featherstone (Featherstone Young), Kay Hughes (Khaa) and Judith Sykes (Expedition). Find out more and book tickets here.

23 December 2017 Unpublished

The Architecture Foundation: Ideas for London’s Public Space Charter

Petra Marko will speak at The Architecture Foundations’ Ten Ideas for London’s Public Space Charter event at the Garden Museum on 16th January. The discussion is in response to Mayor Sadiq Khan’s pledge to establish a Public Space Charter. Ten leading designers, writers and campaigners will propose bold ideas for inclusion in the London Public Space Charter. To watch the videos of the talks click here.

5 December 2017 Unpublished

VeloCity Wins the Cambridge to Oxford Connection Competition

The National Infrastructure Commission (NIC) and Malcolm Reading Consultants today announced the ‘VeloCity’ team as winners of The Cambridge to Oxford Connection: Ideas Competition. The all-women team is a collaboration between Petra Marko (Marko&Placemakers), Jennifer Ross (Tibbalds), Sarah Featherstone (Featherstone Young), Annalie Riches (Mikhail Riches), Judith Sykes (Expedition Engineering) and Kay Hughes (Khaa). The competition sought inspirational visions for the future of development within the arc encompassing Cambridge, Milton Keynes, Northampton and Oxford, one of the UK’s fastestgrowing and most productive regions. It informed the NIC’s report Partnering for Prosperity: A new deal for the Cambridge-Milton Keynes-Oxford Arc, published last month.

5 October 2017 Unpublished

Palackeho Boulevard Revitalisation

Igor Marko has been appointed as lead expert consultant for the revitalisation of the main town centre boulevard in Pardubice, Czech Republic. "The goal of the study is to revive Palackeho boulevard not only as a main route to the railway station, but also as an attractive leisure destination" said the Mayor of Pardubice, Martin Charvát. The study will be developed through workshops involving experts, general public and the city's Department of Architecture and Urban Design.

29 September 2017 Unpublished

Plan for Brno International Conference

Igor Marko was speaking at the Plan for Brno International Conference. The aim of the conference was to come up with a sustainable plan for the development of Brno, one of the most progressive cities in Czech Republic when it comes to city governance and planning. The conference addressed everything that influences the quality of life in a city – be it mobility, environment, architecture, economic development or accessibility of services and culture.

19 September 2017 Unpublished

AA Visiting School Seoul - Social Algorithms 5.0

Igor Marko led the The Architectural Association Visiting School in Seoul, South Korea, in July 2017. His unit, The Narrated City, researched placemaking based on urban narratives, storytelling, psychogeography and the construction of language and meaning, as part of the overarching theme Social Algorithms.

22 August 2017 Unpublished

Oxford to Cambridge Competition

Marko&Placemakers is finalist for the Oxford to Cambridge growth corridor competition. We are part of a collaborative team with Tibbalds, Mikhail Riches, Featherstone Young and Khaa. The two-stage competition is backed by the government’s National Infrastructure Commission (NIC), and aims to boost the development of new housing, public realm and infrastructure within the 210km-long area spanning Cambridge, Milton Keynes, Northampton and Oxford.

28 July 2017 Unpublished

New project: Tottenham High Road Strategy for Haringey Council

Marko&Placemakers have been appointed to undertake a review of Tottenham High Road and its district centres with focus on arts, culture and identity, to inform an area strategy for the client, Haringey Council. The multidisciplinary team led by Tibbalds Campbell Reith will propose urban principles, strategies and land use interventions to inform future land use, specific site redevelopments and overall vision.

28 June 2017 Unpublished

Igor Marko to lead AA Visiting School unit in Seoul

Igor Marko will be unit leader at the AA Visiting School in Seoul, South Korea, this July. Under the theme Social Algorithms, the Architectural Association visiting school running from 16th to 25th July will open up discussion, exchange ideas, knowledge and methodology between different design approaches. Igor’s unit, The Narrated City, will research placemaking based on urban narratives, storytelling, psychogeography and the construction of language and meaning, which determine the way we understand the world. The participants will develop a parametric tool responding to the constantly evolving social, economic and environmental conditions of urban space. The interaction of existing and fictional users/urban actors will form the structural elements of the narrated city. Image: Social Algorithm 2016, Yonsei University

26 May 2017 Unpublished

Igor Marko wins ASB Personality of Architecture and Construction Award

Igor Marko is the winner of the ASB Personality of Architecture and Construction Award, considered the highest accolade in architecture and construction industry in Slovakia. The award ceremony under the auspices of the President of the Slovak Republic, Mr. Andrej Kiska, the Ministry of Transport, Construction and Regional Development, and leading industry and academic institutions took place on Thursday 25th May. The winner was determined in an independent vote of an expert jury consisting of personalities from architecture and construction, representatives of state administration and self-government, as well as representatives of professional associations and chambers.

21 May 2017 Unpublished

Sky Park Development Construction Launched in Bratislava

Igor Marko was at the official construction launch ceremony of Sky Park development in Bratislava. Marko&Placemakers provide public realm consultancy on the Zaha Hadid Architects designed project comprising 800 new homes, offices and a new city park. Mayor of Bratislava Ivo Nesrovnal, Jozef Oravkin (Penta Investments, Client), Patrik Schumacher (Partner, Zaha Hadid Architects) and Old Town Mayor Radoslav Števčík symbolically laid the foundation stone at the launch ceremony on Friday 19th May.