This summer I had the pleasure of joining a group of judges for the Open City's Architecture in Schools initiative. This creative learning programme for primary school pupils aims to inspire the next generation of city-shapers, building an understanding how architecture informs the world around us. I was particularly pleased to be involved this year as the theme was Shared City – opening up the debate beyond architecture of buildings to all the places and spaces between them where we meet and play every day.
city living organism

25 April 2016 Unpublished
Lisbon Masterclass on City Making and Tourism Gentrification
Stadslab International Master Class on City Making & Tourism Gentrification supervised by Igor Marko (Marko&Placemakers) and Marc Glaudemans (Stadslab Stadslab European Urban Design Laboratory) took place 15-22 April 2016 in Lison. The highly challenging urban regeneration case-study was focused on one of Lisbon’s oldest districts – Mouraria. The Master Class was organised in partnership with Academia Cidadã | Citizenship Academy and the City of Lisbon.