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23 May 2019 Unpublished

2. Prize International Masterplanning Competition New Žižkov, Prague

In team with Ian Ritchie Architects and Compass Architekti, we won second prize in the international masterplanning competition for New Žižkov Centre in Prague. The client, Central Group, received 98 submissions to the competiton's open call in the first stage including proposals from Sou Fujumoto Architects and Richard Meier & Partners teams. 12 teams were shortlisted to develop proposals in second stage. You can find out more about all winners here and more about our proposal here.


The jury praised the robustness and logic of our masterplan and its permeability, people-focused residential streets and well designed public spaces for everyday life, which reflect and enhance the character of Žižkov neighbourhood.

21 May 2019 Unpublished

Igor Marko speaking at City Forum on Participatory Placemaking

Igor Marko will be speaking at City FÓRUM Bratislava on the theme of participation as integral part of shaping livable spaces and places in the city. The first year of the international expert conference on well functioning cities will be on 19th June in Bratislava. Speakers include Kristian Villandsen from Gehl Architects and Matus Vallo - the Mayor of Bratislava.

4 April 2019 Unpublished

Vydrica Development Plans Revealed

Plans for Vydrica - the most awaited development in Bratislava for decades were revealed today. Marko&Placemakers are responsible for the public realm design, strategy and vision for integrating the new development with the historic city centre. The mixed use development comprising over 200 new homes, offices and retail spaces with focus on arts and crafts is set to be completed by 2025.

7 February 2019 Unpublished

Lessons from Copenhagen

Petra Marko visited Copenhagen with her VeloCity team colleagues Sarah Featherstone and Annalie Riches looking at innovative high-density car-free housing typologies to build on our research on rural densification. The trip was part of our RIBA funded research on housing and placemaking. Find out what we learned in BD article here. Image: Petra, Sarah and Annalie at Byhusene - new housing project on Islands Brygge by Vandkunsten Architects.

10 January 2019 Unpublished

New Žižkov Centre Masterplan, Prague

We are shortlisted for a mixed use masterplan in Prague's inner-city centre Žižkov, which will deliver 1200 new homes, new services and high quality public realm. Marko&Placemakers is part of the masterplanning team with Ian Ritchie Architects (UK) and Compass Architects (Slovakia). The client, Central Group, received 98 submissions to the competiton's open call and shortlisted 12 teams including Sou Fujimoto Architects and Richard Meier & Partners.

23 November 2018 Unpublished

VeloCity wins William Sutton Prize for Excellence in Social Housing Design and Placemaking

We are delighted VeloCity - our collaborative placemaking strategy for Oxford-Cambridge corridor - won the William Sutton Prize for excellence in social housing design and placemaking. More than eighty applications were received for the first ever William Sutton Prize. Launched by Clarion Housing Group, the William Sutton Prize encourages individuals and organisations to present a new concept, service or idea that will benefit social housing residents and their community. Clare Miller, Group Chief Executive of Clarion Housing Group said Clarion have been blown away by the quality and diversity of the applications from across the country. The jury panel comprised of Clare Miller, Peter Fortune, Greg Reed (Clarion Housing Group Board), Biljana Savic (Director of the Academy of Urbanism) and Peter Holbrook (Chief Executive of Social Enterprise UK). Find out more about the prize here and about VeloCity team and project here.

22 November 2018 Unpublished

Young Urbanists Oxford-Cambridge Arc event

Petra Marko presented VeloCity - our winning strategy for Oxford-Cambridge corridor at the Academy of Urbanism Young Urbanists event hosted by Foster+Partners on 21st November. The evening explored future visions for future generations across the Cambridge to Oxford arc. Find out more about VeloCity team and the project here.

2 October 2018 Unpublished

RIBA Smart Practice Conference: Good Design and Infrastructure

Petra Marko will be speaking at the upcoming RIBA Smart Practice Conference in Cambridge. Together with Kay Hughes of the VeloCity team, Petra will talk about how good design can be integral to infrastructure drawing on the recently completed Value of Design report for the National Infrastructure Commission and the VeloCity Oxford-Cambridge growth corridor strategy.

24 August 2018 Unpublished

VeloCity Wins RIBA Research Funding

We have secured funding from the 2018 RIBA Research Fund to advance ideas and develop further evidence-base for VeloCity - our winning placemaking strategy for Oxford-Cambridge growth corridor. The research will focus on innovative examples of villages densification in the UK and abroad that demonstrates social, economic and health benefits within rural communities. Petra Marko and Sarah Featherstone (Featherstone Young) will lead on the research, supported by our colleagues from the VeloCity team.

7 August 2018 Unpublished

Architecture in Schools - Imagining the Shared City

by Petra Marko

This summer I had the pleasure of joining a group of judges for the Open City's Architecture in Schools initiative. This creative learning programme for primary school pupils aims to inspire the next generation of city-shapers, building an understanding how architecture informs the world around us. I was particularly pleased to be involved this year as the theme was Shared City – opening up the debate beyond architecture of buildings to all the places and spaces between them where we meet and play every day.

16 July 2018 Unpublished

Value of Design Report for National Infrastructure Commission

We have completed The Value of Design in Infrastructure Delivery report which is one of three supporting documents for the chapter Choosing and designing infrastructure of the first ever UK National Infrastructure Assessment. It shows how good design and design thinking can play a significant role in developing solutions that enhance quality of life and the environment, while helping reduce risks and adding value.

4 June 2018 Unpublished

VeloCity at Transport Systems Catapult Exhibiton in Milton Keynes

Our winning entry to the National Infrastructure Commission’s Ideas competition for Cambridge to Oxford growth corridor, will be featured at Transport Systems Catapult exhibition from 5th to 26th July. “The entries to our competition offered innovative and creative proposals for using infrastructure to support the development of well-connected and vibrant communities.” said Commissioner Sadie Morgan. 

17 May 2018 Unpublished

Petra Marko to Speak at reSITE Conference in Prague

Petra Marko will be joining a panel discussion on housing on 14th June at reSITE. reSITE brings together thought leaders, mayors, architects, planners, investors and activists from all over the world to celebrate inspiring design, development and positive impact on quality of life in cities. Petra will discuss innovative housing delivery based on our project collaboration VeloCity, alongside Florian Koehl of Fatkoehl Architekten and social impact investing expert Ruben Koekoek. We are looking forward to revisit this world-class event having been at the launch of reSITE in 2012 where Igor Marko spoke about cities and placemaking and coming back each year to get inspired and energised.

16 May 2018 Unpublished

VeloCity Wins Honorary Award at Making Cities Livable in Ottawa

VeloCity, the winning strategy for Oxford to Cambridge growth corridor for National Infrastrcuture Commission, received Honorary Award at the Designing Healthy, 10-Minute Neighbourhoods competition, which is part of International Making Cities Livable (IMCL) Conference in Ottawa, Canada. The competition call was for projects that emphasise community, health, sustainability and equity and respect the context and history of the place.

1 May 2018 Unpublished

Museum of Architecture Talk: Architecture as a Process

Petra Marko will speak at the Museum of Architecture on 14th May. The talk will examine the power of innovative, fictional approaches to design in generating new ideas about architecture. Together with Jennifer Ross of Tibbalds, Petra will present VeloCity - the Oxford to Cambridge growth corridor strategy, which proposes radical ways to deliver sustainable housing in the countryside. Book tickets and find out more here.