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Vltava Waterfront, Prague, Czech Republic

Vltava Waterfront, Prague, Czech Republic

International Competition 2012
Client: Skanska CZ
Team: Chybik Kristof Architects + Igor Marko

Our vision is to transform the currently underutilised space of Vltava waterfront into a valuable public space, which will become integral part of the city character. First we need to change the definition of this space into a place. A place is a destination, a place enables activities, a place has character and potential to grow and influence its surroundings. This place will create a momentum for change and inspire people to become part of the transformation, encouraging them to set up small enterprises such as urban gardening, cultural events and education.

Particular character zones will emerge from the network of places with different functions for living, working and recreation, creating an ecological membrane along the riverfront. Through the character zones the river suddenly becomes an active source of energy, enabler of mobility and resource for sustainable living. Becoming part of the public transportation network, the river will connect neighbourhoods and communities, activating wider social relationships.

While before the city led to the river, now the river defines the city. Vltava waterfront becomes a fully developed active quarter of Prague, connecting into the wider urban structure. As a logical outcome of the organic regeneration process, the new riverfront quarter becomes a unique brand of ‘green’ Prague – a highly desirable zone for large investment. This transformation from small-scale interventions into coherent and well-balanced city quarter can be only enabled through innovation, partnership of the city with private sector, and engagement of citizens.