Market Place, Kettering, UK

Completed 2009
Client: Kettering Town Council
Design: FoRM Associates Partner in charge Igor Marko and Peter Fink
Strategic planning: Savills
Engineer: Alan Baxter Associates
The Market Place is one of the first initiatives to be completed with the aim of regenerating Kettering’s town centre and the surrounding area. It offers an attractive and fun place that is used to stage a range of public events throughout the year. It also provides an ideal setting to meet friends and to relax. One of the features of the Market Place is the fountains animated through lighting at night.The Market Place is revisioned as a vital public realm augmented by new landscape features and uses whilst retaining its original functions and character. The scheme gives priority to cyclists and pedestrians through subtle changes in surfacing. Overall access is improved through improved signage and accessibility measures. Increased seating opportunities, public artwork, water features and retail ‘spill-out’ spaces bring the square to life.