Danube Lido Study, Bratislava, Slovakia

Client: Lido Lagúna Initiative and Nové Lido Initiative
Team: Marko&Placemakers + Compass Architects
Study of the revitalization of Danube's riverbank between the Old Bridge and Apollo Bridge, a site where historically Bratislava's famous lido was situated. The project was initiated in partnership with two initiatives - Lido Lagúna, formed of members of the community around the local boating clubs, and Nové Lido - which is a platform for communication of a planned new city quarter in this area. The proposal creates a new recreational zone for outdoor activities and walking, retaining and refurbishing of the existing boating club and revival of a historical river channel. The new Danube Lido will allow swimming as well as kayaking and boating, and new paths will connect the area to the existing cycle tracks and the future urban quarter.