Spielbudenplatz, Hamburg, Germany

International Competition 2004 Client: Hamburg Magistrate Team: FoRM Partner in charge Igor Marko, in collaboration with Raita Nakajima
Spielbuden Square delivers a new 24 hours / 7 day week functionality in the centre of the Red Light District located in the port district of Hamburg. The design of the new square with its dramatic wing like anchor spaces creates new opportunities for cafes and retail uses as a direct response to the urban limits of the space marked by prominent entrances to the existing underground parks at each end of a long and narrow site. In the new Spielbudenplatz there are no dead ends or obstructions to pedestrian movement. Our design ensures that every bit of the space is fully accessible whilst at the same time ensuring clear visibility across the space. The digital aesthetics of the lighting and surface design emphasize the graduation of the curved planes, creating a strong sense of playfulness - a catwalk space in the middle of a city.